Friday 12 September 2014


Long time no see. Lets see if I can remember how to do this!!
I thought you'd like to see the newest member of our family, and the reason for a massive lack of creativity!

This is Willow
She's a husky x rottie

Isn't she lovely?
Here's some more:

I'm not gonna lie this post is going to be full to the point of bursting of cute doggy pics. 
If you're hoping for anything crochet related I'm sorry , but not this post !!!!!!!!

So now she's just over a year old the peeing, pooing stealing, biting, jumping, ripping, disappearing, gardening, zooming, have calmed down. *Happy sigh*
Till next time!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I love reading them!
Hugs to you all.