Monday 29 September 2014

40 crochet flowers and a caravan


Read the whole blog post here

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Shiny new website

I'm very excited. Pinkfluffywarrior now has a proper website. I'm planning to add some tutorials and some more patterns. This blog will still be running, but most of the good stuff will be on the website.
I'd be very grateful if you would pop over and take a look, also please let me know if there are any issues, anything you would like to see, anything you don't like, that sort of thing.
Here's some flowers as a thank you!

Friday 12 September 2014


Long time no see. Lets see if I can remember how to do this!!
I thought you'd like to see the newest member of our family, and the reason for a massive lack of creativity!

This is Willow
She's a husky x rottie

Isn't she lovely?
Here's some more:

I'm not gonna lie this post is going to be full to the point of bursting of cute doggy pics. 
If you're hoping for anything crochet related I'm sorry , but not this post !!!!!!!!

So now she's just over a year old the peeing, pooing stealing, biting, jumping, ripping, disappearing, gardening, zooming, have calmed down. *Happy sigh*
Till next time!