Friday 19 April 2013

Pretty pics

Time for some pretty pictures!
This pretty flower is called a butterfly plant.

The flower P gave me for my birthday last year is still going strong!

Staying with flowers. A springy wreath.
I think I prefer the layout below.
I made this little cover because I was bored  and could't think of anything else to make. 

Lastly I'm just finishing off a cushion cover.

I hope you enjoyed the photos!
Till next time 

Friday 8 March 2013

Slanty shell blanket

After being asked by so many people, about my blanket, I have finally made a tutorial for you!!
I hope it works!
Uk terms 3.5mm hook
For a practise ch27 LOOSE.
In 4th ch from hook work 3tr.
*skip 3 chains and work 1 dc.
ch3 and work 3tr in next ch*.
Repeat from * to * all the way along.
In the very last ch work 1dc, ch3 and turn.
Row 1
Work 3tr in first dc.
* In the next 3ch space work (dc,3ch,3tr)*
repeat from *to* all the way along, end 1dc in turning ch.
ch3 turn
Repeat row 1 throughout.
To make the blanket, loosely ch243 and change colour every 4 rows, or whenever you fancy!
Foundation row: 3tr in 4th ch from hook.* (sk 3chs, 1dc in next ch, 3tr in next ch)* rep from * to * across row.
End sk 3 chs, 1dc in last ch, 3ch turn.
Row 1: 3tr in 1st dc, *( 1dc,3ch,3tr) in next 3ch sp. rep from * to * across  row. End 1dc in turning ch, ch3 turn.
If you find anything wrong please leave a comment, and I'll amend it.
Till next time

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Crochet bits and bobs

Firstly an update on "The amazing thing". I haven't been able to go (sad face!).
Poor P has been very very unwell, and my car is broken. Next Wednesday, will be my first meeting. Please keep all your fingers and toes crossed!
In the meantime I have been making some more little hearts.

And some little flowerloom flowers (using the tiny weeny loom)

My plan is to cover my wall in what we call the pretty room!
It's grown since!

I've untangled all of the tangled up bits of yarn in my poof. (foot stool)
Much better!

And I have made tons of flowers (the tin is now full)
Unfortunately the battery's in my camera have gone flat, but on my next post I'll show you all of the flowers, and the granny square progress. 
Till next time

Sunday 3 February 2013

The amazing thing!

This week has been lovely!
I had the most amazing thing happen on Wednesday. As was walking through my local high street, I happened to glance into a coffee shop. What caught my eye were the people who were sat on the squishy sofas. They were smiling and laughing, generally having a good time. 
It was lovely to see, and a little part of me wished I could be part of something like that. 
As I stared glanced, I saw that they were KNITTING and CROCHETING!!!!!!!!
I am one of the shyest people you could meet, I even have a bit of a stutter around friends.
I virtually threw myself through the doors, headlong into the group and asked/ begged to join!!
So on Wednesday coming, I am going along. Excited doesn't even come close! I just hope I can string a sentence together!

I hope you like the photos of this weeks crafty bits!

            Scrappy Happy Flowers

The beginning of a new blanket. I haven't made squares for a looooooooooong time!

Scrappy Happy Stars.

Till next time

Saturday 26 January 2013

Crochet heart (pattern)

How is Blogland today?
A long time ago I made some crochet hearts that was a prize in a giveaway. (here)
Although I was happyish with the pattern, it still had an annoying hole, that I covered/hid with a bead.
The hole has now gone! YAY!!!

So here's the pattern!
All UK terms. 3.5mm hook.

Ch 3 and join to form a ring.
Ch 3.
Now work 3dtr, 3tr into ring. 
Ch 1.

Then 3tr, 3dtr into ring ch 3
slst into ring.

(Finish here if you would like a tiny heart, or you can change colour.)
Round 2
In the first dtr work 2dc

In the next dtr, work 3dc.
Work 1dc in the next 4 sts 
1dc in 1ch sp 
slst into first ch 
1dc in 1 ch sp.
Now work 1dc in next 4 sts.
3dc in next st
2dc in next st.
slst into center hole.
snip off yarn and pull through.
Pull really tight, 
Now turn heart over and knot the 2 tails together tight.
This gives the shape.
All done!
Gratuitous pics

As always if something is not clear, or you find a mistake, please leave a comment and I'll amend it for you!
Hope you enjoy.
Till next time

P.S Great link party here!

Saturday 19 January 2013

Giant granny square FINISHED!!!

I finished my giant granny square!  
I thought that it was going to be ANOTHER one of those unfinished things that lurk in my basket! ( I say basket, but really it's a foot stool that I shove everything in!)

I was a little unsure about a white boarder, but I had an idea that needed something plain.


48 to be precise! 
All made on the inside pegs of my flower loom.
I stitched each flower on using a little yellow bead for the flower center.

I'm a very happy bunny, and am pleased with how it has turned out!

The secret I found to keeping it square is to simply turn. As you finish each round, turn your square over to work the next round. I also joined my yarn on a different corner for every round. I hope that helps anyone thinking of making one too!

Till next time