Saturday 21 April 2012

Pretty Pretty Pretty!

An especially big hello to the newest followers! Also a HUGE thank you for all of the resent comments!
I have a lot to show you all, so this is going to be  quite a photo heavy post.
This is the edging of my newest blanket. I've used a slightly more subtle colour pallet.
I really want to make a pompom this size! a future project perhaps?

i didn't realise how crinkled the bed was until i saw how the photos came out. 

I really have fallen in love with this blanket. it's very light and I love the colours.
I have written the pattern down but still haven't gotten around to wording so that others can read it!

I have also made some more bunting (one of my most favourite things!)

Do you recognise those flowers? They still haven't made it as far as the flower blanket!!!!

before blocking.

During blocking.

I use a little spray starch to keep them nice and flat.
I know you are 'supposed' to let them dry naturally ,but I rarely have the patience to do that. I cheat and normally use my hair drier!  This time I let them dry over night. 

 I added the little rainbow beads I got from Ebay. and added some tassels!
 Yay!! Very pretty bunting. (subtlety not included!) 

I hope you like!!! Till next time