Friday 15 April 2011

Hello again!!!

Oh my goodness it has been a long time hasn't it?
Where to start? 
Firstly, thank you all so much for your lovely comments on my last post. I did pop in every now and again to have a peek, time would not allow me to stay long enough to blog.
The last 3 weeks have been busy, as you can well imagine! We had to spend a week going backwards and forwards between houses in order to clean the old one ready for the hand back. All I really wanted to do was unpack and pretty up the new one!
I think it is safe to say that we are settled now though.
I desperately wanted to show you my toilet!! ( when you see you'll understand!)

How cool is that?!

My Craft room is still a work in progress at the moment.
It gets the afternoon sun (not today though, grey and miserable)
I have made a few little bits.
Some new flowers
and the start of a new cushion cover.

The biggest thing I have been doing is gardening. I have weeded my socks off!!
I forgot to take before and after photos, I'll try to remember when I do the front!
These two little green houses contain tons of flowers! I spent hours pricking out seedlings. Fingers crossed they'll all grow big and strong!!
I shall try to get back into a blogging routine. I have noticed this post is a little all over the place! Sorry about that!!
Till next time