Saturday 25 December 2010

Merry Christmas to you all, and a very happy new year!!!!

Friday 17 December 2010

Granny ripple.

8 more sleeps to go,
8 more sleeps till Christmas,
8 more sleeps till the big fat fellow, comes down your chimney, and leaves you presents, and drinks your beer,
8 more sleeps till Christmas.

Every morning at 7:30 this song plays ( obviously with a different number!!)
It is now firmly stuck in my head, on a continuous loop! Grrrrrrrr!

Well on to other things.
We had a power cut the other evening.
Apart from being cold, it was quite a lot of fun.
Having to use the hob to make tea and hot chocolate.
J had never experienced a power cut before. Lucky boy!
We played cards, told stories of how things have changed since P and I were kids.
It was nice to have the time together.

I've been learning how to work the granny ripple pattern.
A couple of frustrating false starts!

Starting to get the hang of it.

Next it was time to take the plunge, and do it for real.
Yay it worked!

It's a little bit smaller than our bed, so by the time I add the border, it should fit.The pattern is a mixture of 2 other patterns I found. I will try write up a pattern with photos, but I'm not sure how long it will take. The pattern isn't hard, just a bit fiddly at the beginning, but once you're past that it flows beautifully.

Till next time.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Festive bits and bobs

Lots of festive things have started to be dotted around in our house! The above is my favorite ornament.

The fire place has been decorated.

The wreath I made a few years ago is up.

So is the tree.

Need to hide all those wires!!

These little guys are from my first Christmas with P!

I have also made a patchwork cushion for my Nan.

The colours are a little washed out ( thanks clouds!)

I've finished the crochet cushion.


I have also had a change of heart about my previous snowy post. Walking to the shop the next day was a nightmare. The pavements were covered in ice, as was the road. On the way back............... Ouch! Yep down I go!
Of course there is an audience! I don't know if they laughed or not. I couldn't bear to look!
No place to hide my very, very red face. The only injury was to my pride! J was a total gentleman though, he held my hand the rest of the way home. Not bad for an 11 3/4 year old!

Thursday 2 December 2010

Yay snow!

We have snow! About 2" of beautiful, soft, powdery snow.
I love the crunchy sound under my boots. I love the putt putt putt sound it makes as it lands. I love how quiet it is, with not so many cars on the road. I love how pretty and sparkly everything becomes.
It's fair to say I love the snow. (just in case you hadn't already guessed!)
J made this little snowman before school. Time ran out hence the lack of face!
We'll be making a much bigger one after school.
 I think J's school is one of the only schools that stayed open. He's not at all happy about that!
 I went for a slippy, slidey, skiddy walk, to take as many photos as I could. All in the name of blogging!!!

Walking through the woods was so beautiful. I enjoyed and savoured every moment.

Now it's time for yet another cup of tea, and something yummy.
Till next time