Sunday 28 November 2010

Crochet bunting/Granny triangles

Do you like the new seasonal background? It's from Scrap-e-blog and there's loads on there to choose from.

I'm really excited to share my newest crochet project with you!
Crochet bunting.

pom poms!

This one is for P's mum for Christmas.
I'm going to make one for myself too!

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Little spoke flower

Hey everyone!
It feels lovely to be creative again. I haven't picked up a crochet hook for nearly 2 weeks.
I've just made these little spoke flowers.
Here's the pattern if you are interested.

UK crochet terms.
ch 4 and join to form a ring.
Round 1. ch 4 ( counts as 1tr and 1ch)

Into ring work.
* 1tr,1ch* rep from * to * 5times, 1tr, join to 3rd of beginning 4 ch.
Fasten off. You should have 8 little spokes.

Round 2. Join new yarn to any 1 ch space.

ch 2 ( counts as 1 htr ) 1tr,1dtr,1tr,1htr, in same space.

Now work 1ht,1tr,1dtr,1tr,1htr, in each 1ch space all the way around.

Join to top of beginning 2ch.
Fasten off.

All done, very quick and easy, great for using up little scraps of yarn!

I hope you have a go! If you find any mistakes please let me know.

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Thank you Nancy!

  Nancy from Nancy's Crochet has given me a beautiful blogger award. Thank you very much Nancy!!!
Now I have to tell you 10 things about myself.

1. I love writing lists, so this is tons of fun to do!

2. I love watching fishing show on t.v. Monster fish, Deadliest catch, River monsters, you get the idea.

3. I have wool stashed away everywhere. No exaggeration, I'll take a photo of it all one day.

4. I'm a little bit scared of our cat Molly. Blog post about her soon.

5. J is taller than me by 3"

6. I haven't worked for nearly two years after an injury to my shoulder. Another operation soonish.

7. I love watching all of the different birds that come into my garden.

8. I'm the reason why my sister is terrified of butterflies. (I still feel guilty)

9. Sometimes during the summer, I'll do washing that doesn't really need to be done, just so I can hang it on the line. (Not very green sorry)

10. When I hang out my washing, the pegs have to be in matching pairs. I'd go crazy if they were odd or mixed up!

So now I have to pass this on to 10 other blogs. It's going to be hard to pick only 10.


Monday 15 November 2010

Bloggers Block

I think I have been suffering from bloggers block! I haven't had the faintest idea what to write about for the last week or so. Everything has been  BLAH BLAH BLAH. Very mundane and boring. Not something anyone would want to read about I'm sure!! Just life pottering along.
During the pottering along, Coconut ice was made.
Very very yummy. J was mostly in charge. Reading the recipe, mixing.
We were making sweets as practice for Christmas.
There's been more christmassy happenings.
I'm going to make a few more and attach them to a ribbon to hang around the mantle.
They look better from a little bit of a distance. The macro setting is not very forgiving!!!

I have also made a cushion front.
Just the back to do and it'll be ready.
I hope to be over my bloggers block very soon.
Till next time

Saturday 6 November 2010

Crochet and buttons

I thought you might like to see the very first crochet item my mum has made.

She hasn't been crocheting very long. I think it was supposed to be a gift, but she has decided to keep it!!
There's nothing like the pride you feel about your first, don't you think?

I have been finding some uses for the buttons I have.
Hanging sign.

I really love this, and it makes me smile every time I look at it!
The buttons came from my Nan's clothes. She passed away not quite 6 months ago. When we went to clear out her flat, I spent 3 hours cutting buttons off of every single item of her clothes. So much needed to be thrown away, and sadly her clothes were not fit to go to the charity shop. I couldn't bear for nothing to be left, so snip snip snip! It's weird what grief make you do.

I've also been having a little bit of luck with my sewing machine.

Making this stocking didn't result in the usual temper tantrum!
Progress at last!!!
Till next time

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Charity shop finds.

I've had a few lucky finds in the charity shops recently.
These books are fantastic, although some of the patterns are quite frankly eye watering!
They've given me lots of ideas. That though has started to become a tiny weeny problem. I have so many ideas bubbling around inside my head, I'm not sure what to do with them. I have notebooks all over the place with ideas I have jotted down. I have to write them down or they'll be lost forever. I new idea will pop in and the old idea will pop out! There just isn't enough time.
Anyhow the GRANNY CLUSTER HEXAGON blankie idea is progressing nicely.

P has asked if it can be HUGE this time, because previous blankets have not covered him properly, and bit poke out! Well who am I to argue with that? I'm just so happy that he likes the things I make!